1. Two people can work side by side together, even if one is listening to Maroon 5 and the other to Air Supply.
2. It is all right to go crazy about a guy if one has a friend nearby.
3. A father can cry. (That's a whole different story.)
4. A woman with no kid can dispense the soundest motherly advice, if she’s taking up an M.A. in Teaching in the Early Grades.
5. One can juggle a masteral degree, an obsessive-compulsive boss, a globe-trotting husband, blogging, laundry, and thrice-weekly swimming sessions, and still be beautiful.
6. Best friends finish each other’s sentences, whether you’re drafting minutes of the meeting or talking about sex.
8. Best friends look beyond huge mistakes.
9. Brutal honesty can hurt, but coming from a friend, it can heal.
10. You may part ways, but time and distance matter little. The heart will always remember.
Because Monette is very different from me, having her as a best friend is like living another girl's life. Read her blog at http://monette.sumulong.com/ She writes beautifully-- like me. :-)
Why do girls need best friends? They will be there when you cry over philandering boyfriends (and later, husbands); they will help you with your term paper if it meant staying up the whole night; they will get drunk with you on your bridal shower and become your child's godmother; they will convince you to wear two-piece bikinis, bulges and all, and even make you feel good about it; they will celebrate your first published work and promote you in their blog. Hihihi. The best friend tells you to be tough, to take chances, to stop being stupid, to laugh some more.
Yes, there's a best friend so you can have someone to giggle with about the funnier things in life. But more importantly, there's a best friend because she will allow you to be you.