Last night I attended the book launch of Be Hands On!, a book sponsored by Hands On Manila Foundation, Inc. (http://www.handsonmanila.org.ph/). It was held in Powerbooks Greenbelt. Hands On Manila held a writing contest last year for the most inspiring volunteer stories. They received about 120 entries, then they decided to publish a book that contains the ten winning pieces.
I was not feeling well, but I came. I also had not taken my lunch. But I forgot my flu and my hunger when I saw the names in the book. Aside from the winning entries, the book featured celebrities and well-known people who were involved in volunteer work. A broadcast journalist, a beauty queen, a surgeon, a stage actress... and they are real people, selfless volunteers whose stories are testimonials of the power of giving.
And they were there for the book-signing. I was starstruck. I was also in awe of the people who attended the by-invitation-only launch; they were high society, and they were so passionate about Hands On Manila. I tried to act cool; I had every right to be there. But by 7pm I could not resist it-- I had my picture taken with Marc Nelson and Chris Tiu! Hihihi.
And why was I there? My contribution is in page 149.
It was my first book-signing. It felt good to be up there on stage with all the others whose names are in the pages of the book. We signed about 150 books and none complained of tired fingers.
The book is now available at all Powerbooks branches. It would make a perfect Christmas gift, and you'll be helping a worthy cause.
As for me, for four hours I knew what it felt like to be a celebrity. I would like to believe that the day would come when I will autograph my own book and give it to my friends for Christmas.
One can dream on.
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