Time woke up 5:30. false starts 3 (set the alarm to ring in 5 more minutes). actual time getting up 6:10 (after husband threatened to throw alarm clock outside window). minutes spent staring at coffee cup 7. minutes spent hunting for right color underwear to go with purple skirt 10. target liters of water to drink 6 (but realistically counting 3).
11:00 a.m. Boss sick, so spent whole morning downloading mp3s for my iPod. Will attack reports in the afternoon. Thinking of going to Powerbooks during lunch break, will see if can resist buying Stephen King's 'Lisey's Story,' and will check if Michael Crichton's 'Next' is in paperback. Hardcover quite expensive. If can't resist, will buy book and skimp on lunch till Friday. Hope can convert guest room into nice library. If guests arrive, they can sleep on carpet in the living room.
11.25 a.m. Went to 5th floor to look for boss' husband's secretary. Didn't get lost. Was thinking must be nice to have own office with door. Am grateful for own workstation not in shared space, but feel like have long way to go. Must not be impatient, been working here only two months. Liza's been here ten years but still an administrative assistant like me. She has a nice car. Don't exactly wish to own one, but would be a relief to go to the province NOT on a motorcycle. 4 hours on motorcycle, with last hour on muddy unpaved road, gives one mighty sore butt and makes one wish had taken bus instead, even if it takes 7 hours to get there. Will probably have saved enough for car in a year, if don't spend all extra money on pocketbooks, pastel bikinis, and 3-inch heels.
Am glad to be working in bank. Liza says if I want to be a career woman I have to work elsewhere, but if I want to earn enough to feed my family (read: stability) this is a good place to grow old in. Didn't want all that power and high-level meetings. Was once like that when I worked in the college. Quite stimulating, but at the end of the day you wish you had spent more time helping kid with homework. Quite a lot of broken promises too, and five-year-olds have memory like obsessive-compulsive boss. Now am happy to go home early, spend weekends with a book, go to fastfood with kid. Never really liked gardening, have no patience for husband's African lovebirds, don't like dogs that lick people, can't really cook well, like to do laundry but easily get tired, don't like tv or movies. Now can't think what I want to do or what I'm capable of doing. Feel like I'm useless human being.
Nice boss gave box of Swiss chocolates yesterday. Had to say they were great, though cannot eat a lot. Bad cough today. Chocolates make throat hurt. Brought them home, kid ate half. Why do kids chew chocolate and not suck thoughtfully? Might send kid to private school next year, can afford it already. Didn't realize been speaking to her in English the whole time, she does not know 'kusina,' 'saging,' 'kama,' and 'alimango.' Grr.
12:20 p.m. Have no energy to put on lipstick. Will now go out for lunch, perhaps grab pizza or something else not nutritious. Wonder why spend so much on books. Can't eat books for lunch.
2:00 p.m. Had McDonald's cheeseburger and fries. Bought TWO new books. Am frustrated, as could have waited for the books to appear on second-hand-bookstores. Now allowance will not last through Friday and have to withdraw some more money. Have pasted label on piggy bank which says 'Down payment for Nissan Frontier.' Piggy bank now looks scraggly as have been opening bottom every week to get the coins inside.
3:00 p.m. Will work two hours, then head home.
11:00 a.m. Boss sick, so spent whole morning downloading mp3s for my iPod. Will attack reports in the afternoon. Thinking of going to Powerbooks during lunch break, will see if can resist buying Stephen King's 'Lisey's Story,' and will check if Michael Crichton's 'Next' is in paperback. Hardcover quite expensive. If can't resist, will buy book and skimp on lunch till Friday. Hope can convert guest room into nice library. If guests arrive, they can sleep on carpet in the living room.
11.25 a.m. Went to 5th floor to look for boss' husband's secretary. Didn't get lost. Was thinking must be nice to have own office with door. Am grateful for own workstation not in shared space, but feel like have long way to go. Must not be impatient, been working here only two months. Liza's been here ten years but still an administrative assistant like me. She has a nice car. Don't exactly wish to own one, but would be a relief to go to the province NOT on a motorcycle. 4 hours on motorcycle, with last hour on muddy unpaved road, gives one mighty sore butt and makes one wish had taken bus instead, even if it takes 7 hours to get there. Will probably have saved enough for car in a year, if don't spend all extra money on pocketbooks, pastel bikinis, and 3-inch heels.
Am glad to be working in bank. Liza says if I want to be a career woman I have to work elsewhere, but if I want to earn enough to feed my family (read: stability) this is a good place to grow old in. Didn't want all that power and high-level meetings. Was once like that when I worked in the college. Quite stimulating, but at the end of the day you wish you had spent more time helping kid with homework. Quite a lot of broken promises too, and five-year-olds have memory like obsessive-compulsive boss. Now am happy to go home early, spend weekends with a book, go to fastfood with kid. Never really liked gardening, have no patience for husband's African lovebirds, don't like dogs that lick people, can't really cook well, like to do laundry but easily get tired, don't like tv or movies. Now can't think what I want to do or what I'm capable of doing. Feel like I'm useless human being.
Nice boss gave box of Swiss chocolates yesterday. Had to say they were great, though cannot eat a lot. Bad cough today. Chocolates make throat hurt. Brought them home, kid ate half. Why do kids chew chocolate and not suck thoughtfully? Might send kid to private school next year, can afford it already. Didn't realize been speaking to her in English the whole time, she does not know 'kusina,' 'saging,' 'kama,' and 'alimango.' Grr.
12:20 p.m. Have no energy to put on lipstick. Will now go out for lunch, perhaps grab pizza or something else not nutritious. Wonder why spend so much on books. Can't eat books for lunch.
2:00 p.m. Had McDonald's cheeseburger and fries. Bought TWO new books. Am frustrated, as could have waited for the books to appear on second-hand-bookstores. Now allowance will not last through Friday and have to withdraw some more money. Have pasted label on piggy bank which says 'Down payment for Nissan Frontier.' Piggy bank now looks scraggly as have been opening bottom every week to get the coins inside.
3:00 p.m. Will work two hours, then head home.
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