The year 2008 has been a very good one for me. I had published my writing (yahoo!), had a new baby, and bought a new house.
I have a label fully dedicated to writing and motherhood, so this one is about the house. Much as it excites me to have our very own house, where I will hopefully grow old, and where I can do anything I please (like paint the walls red, should the mood strike me), I am currently in a state of freak-out.
You see, when we moved to Cavite, I had all the moving boxes properly packed and labeled as early as three months before the moving date. This time, my husband decided to move last night-- and I haven't even finished sorting my own clothes cabinet. He had four friends and a truck, and they emptied the big house in two trips. The men put everything in sight in large black trash bags and put everything in the truck. I got home from work and the bed, dining set, and fridge were gone. My toiletries, mirror, office clothes, and shoes were also gone, hauled off while I was still on the road. Of course, my daughter's underwear and socks were also gone, and it's a school day today. Lastly, my baby's stroller was also gone, and that stroller is where she spends half of her waking hours. It wouldn't have been so bad, but we're staying in the old house for two more days!
The new house is also much smaller than where we're staying now, so we had to drastically downsize. Even now, when we have disposed of much of the furniture, old clothes and toys, and plenty of plastic microwavable containers, we still have too many things. I will probably spend the next two months sorting and sorting and sorting. It doesn't help that everything is in trash bags. I feel like leaving them there.
And then there's the problem with decor, storage, and furniture. I cannot walk through the home improvement section of the department store without checking the color-coordinated curtains and pillowcases, dinnerware, and cookware. Somehow, having a new house puts one in an everything-new mode. I can almost hear the yaya saying we need a new chopping board... well, we do. My Visa card is winking at me.
Oh, and we have the birds. I forgot to check if there are cats in the new neighborhood! I also forgot about Bernard the dog. I wish they had brought him to the new house in the truck. But he needs a bath before he moves.
I also have to check the hardware store for mosquito-repellent devices. The mosquitoes in the new house are BIG, and boy, are they thirsty.
I also have to find out where they put my blue bangles. I'm wearing a blue outfit tomorrow. Oh, and of course, my daughter's underwear.
I hope, when I get home tonight, that they have found the dinner plates. I ate from a dessert plate last night, and there wasn't a fork in sight.
It looks like I need a new label. I'm beginning to feel that I will soon post before-and-after accounts.
But first, to the hardware. And on the way, I might as well check if there are any pink electric fans for my daughter.